Study in UK Without IELTS -2024

If you are an international student who has completed high school but does not have 13 years of education, you will be required to take a foundation course at a UK university or college before beginning your bachelor’s degree. A foundation course is a one-year preparatory course for international students who need additional English language and […]
Accommodation In UK-2024 as an international student

The price depends on where you live in the United Kingdom and how much money you want to spend. To cover your mortgage, bills, food, and other living expenses, set aside £800 – £1,300 per month. International students pay between £10,000 and £30,000 per year for full-time undergraduate courses. It’s worth noting that the higher […]
Maintenance Cost in the UK for Students

Overseas students who wish to apply for a UK student visa must demonstrate that they havethe financial resources necessary to cover their living expenses. This covers the price of yourfirst year of tuition as well as other expenses like lodging, meals, entertainment, etc. (known asmaintenance funds). You have two options for paying the required amount: […]
UKVI regulations for the international students

If you are 16 years old or older and intend to enroll in a higher or further education program inthe UK, you may apply for a student visa. The length of your course and the type of study youhave already done in the UK will determine how long you can stay.What documents you need as […]
Study in the UK without IELTS

Study in the UK without IELTSAre you worried about the possibility of studying in the UK without IELTS? Stopworrying and just get prepared to fly. Because, it’s possible to study in the UKwithout IELTS score now. Despite the fact that IELTS is regarded as a preconditionfor your admission and a good IELTS score helps a candidate […]
Student development VISA

A dependent may travel to the UK with an international student at any time. Spouses and/or unmarriedminor children are considered dependents. The entry of dependents of international students is notpermitted after the age of 18.One of the following describes a dependent: your spouse, civil partner, or spouse your partner who is single Your minor child, […]
Master’s study in the UK

Masters Study in the UKEmployers and academics throughout the world recognize and respect a master’sdegree earned in England, which has a strong reputation for world-class researchand top-notch institutions. In the United Kingdom, a postgraduate or master’scourse follows the completion of an undergraduate degree and typically lasts oneyear, as opposed to the two-year Master’s programs available […]
London based Universities in the UK

London, the capital of the United Kingdom, is a modern metropolis with a Roman-era past.Westminster Abbey, the location of British monarch coronations, the magnificent Houses ofParliament, and the recognizable "Big Ben" clock tower are at its center. The London Eyeobservation wheel offers sweeping views of the South Bank cultural complex and the entire cityfrom across the […]
Low Tuition Fee Universities in the UK

Among top quality education provider UK provides the most affordable tuitionfees for international students. Some UK universities even provide scholarshipswhich makes it really reasonable. UK’s tuition fees are far lower than other topeducation provider which reduces study cost significantly.Universities in theUnited Kingdom doesn’t require any Application Fees. A large number ofuniversities provide fully supported postgraduate […]